Intro: (F#* E* C#* D* C#* A*)
F#m (C#*)
Don't want to stand here and shout Your praise
F#m (B* A* G#*)
And walk away and forget Your name
F#m (C#*)
I stand for You if that's all I do
F#m (B* A* G#*)
‘Cause there is none that compares to You
Pre Chorus
F#m (F#* E* C#* D* C#* A*)2
‘Cause all I want in this lifetime is You
F#m (F#* E* C#* D* C#* A*) (F#* E* C#* B* A* G#*)
And all I want in this whole world is You
Tell the world that Jesus lives
F#m D
Tell the world that, tell the world that
Tell the world that He died for them
F#m D
Tell the world that He lives again
F#m (C#*)
No longer I but Christ in me
F#m (B* A* G#*)
Cause it's the truth that set me free
F#m (C#*)
How can this world be a better place
F#m (B* A* G#*)
But by Thy mercy, by Thy grace
Pre Chorus
CHORUS (2 veces)
C'mon c'mon We'll tell the world about You (2 veces)
A Bm F#m D
C'mon c'mon We'll tell the world about You (4 veces)
CHORUS (2 veces)
A E F#m D
C'mon c'mon We'll tell the world about You (Tell the world that, tell the world that
(4 veces)
About You
* Estos son los acordes llamados: Power Chords, solo contienen una primera o la base y una quinta y posiblemente una octava. La base o la primera, es el nombre del acorde. La quinta es la quinta nota en la escala de la escala mayor. Son el tipo de acorde más utilizado en el rock y sus derivados.
-------- Versión de esta canción para
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Director de
"Que si confiesas con tu
boca que Jesus es el Señor, y crees en tu corazón
que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás
salvo. Porque con el corazón
se cree para ser justificado, pero con la boca se
confiesa para ser salvo"
- Romanos 10: 9-10